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eCommerce dashboards for online retailers: The Variants

Gandhi K
March 2, 2021 |

An eCommerce dashboard is a tracking and visualization tool focused on measuring KPIs and Metrics associated with the process of marketing and selling goods and services online. Retailers can make strategic business decisions based on real information obtained from analytics.

Yes, a dashboard is created using data analytics which involves processing the raw data and providing meaningful visual insights which make it easier to understand what the data means. Dashboards also make it easy to see where your business is at with just a quick glance.

For example, if a person running an online store, the store owner needs daily insights like

  • How many products sold?
  • What is the profit?
  • How many total customers and new customers?
  • Churn rate
  • Which types of products are moving fast?
  • Frequently purchasing customers and how can we engage them for a long time?
  • Demand analysis according to market conditions

That’s where dashboards help the retailers to know more about what is happening. Here is an insight into the different types of eCommerce dashboards that can help you: 

eCommerce analytics dashboard

The eCommerce dashboard shows you what’s selling online, how quickly, and what you’re actually earning from those eCommerce sales. It also helps to track their customers profile and geographic location and their online behaviour. And even if the retailer has the store both online and physical, one can identify how online stores boost productivity. The eCommerce analytics dashboard provides insights on day-to-day activities happening in the store.Ecommerce dashboard

eCommerce Products dashboard

Why is it needed? To know more about Fast moving/ Slow moving products and helps in inventory management.It helps in ensuring you never have too much or too little on specific products. Stockouts can cause customers to look for products elsewhere, and potentially become a lifelong customer of one of your competitors. On the other hand, too much stock can cut into your profits when you’re unable to resell them for full retail value. So Product analytics dashboard helps in decision-making on which products need extra attention for retailers.Ecommerce dashboard

eCommerce Sales dashboard

Why is it needed? To know what is your profit based on time (daily/ weekly/ monthly/ yearly) and from the different geographic locationThe product sales analysis dashboard gives details about sales data, analyzing consumer habits and satisfaction based on the products they have purchased. Here, we can see information about who is buying what and where—at which price point—as well as their post-purchase activity. You can use this information to inform marketing strategies that will drive more sales. Ecommerce dashboard

Get a Dashboard for your business! (must needed)

A user-friendly retail eCommerce dashboard can track and provide insights through visualizations and helps so that the retailer can spend more time making important business moves. A dashboard is rich with information about your customers. This information can provide you the insights needed to develop effective promotions, marketing strategies, and in-store experiences. Find out who your top customers are, how much they spend, and what they’re buying. In all perspectives, a dashboard is a much-needed solution for your business.

With VizB, we offer you just the one-stop solution you need to keep your data in place. Easily accessible and feature rich- you would never need to depend on multiple softwares or folders of spreadsheets to see your progress pitstops.

Our team of experts is right here to help you with unparallelled analysis. Get a demo to see how it works for you. 

Gandhi K

Gandhiarumugam is an AI Engineer at DCKAP. He keenly looks at ways to innovate new solutions using Data Science and Artificial Intelligence technologies. Zealously experimenting with his learnings, he participates in various tech hackathons and coding contests. He has proved himself time and again with great achievements to his credit. His recent tech crush is Blockchain and is on his way to carving out innovative use cases in this space.

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