Shopify Plus Vs DCKAP Commerce

shopify Vs DCKAP Commerce

Choosing the right eCommerce platform is essential for distributors who want to simplify their operations and handle the specific needs of B2B transactions. In this comparison, we’ll look at the features of DCKAP Commerce and Shopify Plus, including B2B functionality, ease of integration, managing multiple warehouses, customer-specific catalogs, and sales representative tools. While both platforms provide useful tools, DCKAP Commerce has a slight advantage for distributors.

Comparison Chart of Leading B2B eCommerce Platforms



DCKAP Commerce - eCommerce for Distributors - B2B eCommerce
Shopify Plus - DCKAP Commerce Comparison for Distributors
Shopify Plus

Headless Ecommerce

Separates the eCommerce platform from backend services.

Highly Customisable

Equipped with tools like CMS, APIs, and Webhooks.

Open RESTful APIs

REST APIs simplify integrating and developing third-party apps.

Open GraphQL APIs

GraphQL APIs simplify third-party app integrations.

Company Hierarchy

Create company account, adding multiple users and roles.

Corporate Structure

A parent company can manage multiple subsidiaries.

Sales Representative

Sales reps can manage accounts and place orders for customers.

24/7 Support

Email and ticketing support for critical issues.

Multiple Warehouses

Create and manage multiple warehouses for inventory.

Shared Shopping List

Create shared shopping lists for company-wide access.

Price Lists

Organize multiple companies and create custom price lists.

Real-time Price

Prices and Taxes are dynamically retrieved from the ERP system.

Approve Orders

Approval from the company administrator before processing.

Company Specific Products

Product sets can be customized for each customer.

Quick & Bulk Ordering

Users can easily buy in bulk or select multiple products swiftly.

Register using ERP Id

ERP-linked companies can register in the store directly.

Roles & Permissions

Specific roles with permissions can be assigned to users.

Grouped / Bundled Products

Grouped items are sold as a set, while bundled combine as one.


Not Available


Extra Cost

Built-In B2B Features

Shopify Plus

Shopify Plus, initially renowned for its B2C capabilities, has adeptly evolved to serve B2B businesses. The platform offers specific features to support wholesale operations, such as customizable price lists, quantity-based discounts, and dedicated B2B storefronts. These functionalities enable B2B businesses to manage bulk orders and personalized pricing efficiently.

  • B2C to B2B Evolution: Initially strong in the B2C sector, Shopify Plus has evolved to support B2B businesses.
  • B2B-Specific Features: Offers customizable price lists, quantity-based discounts, and dedicated B2B storefronts, allowing for efficient management of bulk orders and personalized pricing.
  • App Ecosystem: Relies on third-party apps for full B2B functionality.
  • Challenges: Dependency on third-party integrations can increase costs and complexity, requiring businesses to manage multiple apps to meet their B2B needs.

The reliance on third-party apps for full B2B functionality can introduce additional costs and complexity. Businesses considering Shopify Plus for B2B should weigh these factors to ensure the platform meets their specific needs effectively.

DCKAP Commerce

DCKAP Commerce stands out as a game-changer in the realm of B2B and wholesale markets. Since its inception, it has prioritized addressing the unique challenges faced by B2B and wholesale enterprises, offering a comprehensive suite of features and functionalities designed to drive growth. 

  • Designed for B2B: Specifically designed to meet the unique needs of B2B and wholesale markets, offering features that cater to the complexities of these sectors.
  • Advanced Account Management: Robust account management capabilities, allowing businesses to manage multiple buyers per company, set credit limits, and efficiently handle terms management.
  • ERP Integration: Emphasizes seamless integration with various ERP systems, ensuring smooth operations between e-commerce and backend systems.
  • Built-in Capabilities: From managing complex product catalogs to facilitating custom pricing and streamlining bulk order processing, DCKAP Commerce offers built-in capabilities.

In essence, DCKAP Commerce emerges as a purpose-built solution, empowering B2B and wholesale businesses to navigate the digital landscape with confidence and efficiency.

Flexibility and Customization

Shopify Plus

Shopify Plus stands out for its robust suite of features, offering businesses unparalleled flexibility and customization options. With access to Shopify scripts and flows, users can fine-tune their online stores to align with their unique brand identities and customer needs. Dedicated support and account management ensure that businesses receive personalized assistance every step of the way, while flexible theme customization allows for the creation of visually stunning and highly functional storefronts.

However, it’s important to note that Shopify Plus’s extensive feature set and customization capabilities come with a potential downside: complexity. The platform’s learning curve can be steep, particularly for users who are new to its ecosystem. Navigating the intricacies of customization, integration with third-party systems, and accommodating unique business processes may require significant time and resources.

As a result, businesses may face challenges in fully leveraging Shopify Plus’s capabilities, especially without adequate expertise or support. Despite its advanced features and flexibility, some businesses may find the platform’s complexity overwhelming, potentially hindering their ability to maximize its benefits and achieve their desired outcomes.

  • Complexity and Extra Cost

  • Dependent on 3rd Party

  • Learning Curve

  • Potential Limitations

DCKAP Commerce

DCKAP Commerce stands out for its exceptional customization capabilities, particularly with its headless commerce approach. This innovative strategy enables businesses to achieve a remarkable level of customization, ensuring that the platform aligns perfectly with their unique requirements. Moreover, DCKAP Commerce’s flexibility makes it an ideal solution for companies in search of tailored solutions tailored to their specific needs.

One key advantage of DCKAP Commerce is its seamless integration capability, allowing for easy incorporation with existing systems and processes. DCKAP Commerce is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, minimizing the learning curve for users. Additionally, being built on popular frameworks and technology stacks, it offers a familiar environment for developers, facilitating smooth implementation and customization processes.

Overall, DCKAP Commerce strikes a perfect balance between simplicity and sophistication, making it a highly attractive option for businesses seeking a powerful yet straightforward e-commerce platform. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, DCKAP Commerce’s versatility and ease of use make it a compelling choice for driving growth and success in the digital marketplace.

  • Customization Excellence

  • Pre-built B2B

  • Seamless Integration

  • Scalability and Versatility

Catalogs for Individual Customers

Shopify Plus

Shopify Plus offers customer groups and bulk pricing to cater to the demand for customer-specific catalogs. However, when it comes to highly customized product catalogs, Shopify Plus may have limitations and may require third-party solutions, adding complexity to setup, raising expenses, and introducing integration issues.

  • Customer Groups: Shopify Plus enables businesses to categorize customers into different groups, providing a foundational method for segmenting customers based on various criteria like purchase history or demographics.
  • Bulk Pricing: The platform supports bulk pricing, allowing businesses to offer different pricing structures to distinct customer groups. This functionality can be beneficial for establishing pricing tiers or discounts for specific segments.
  • Limited Customization: Despite these functionalities, Shopify Plus may not fully meet the requirements for creating completely tailored product catalogs for specific customer segments. The built-in features might not suffice to address the intricate needs of B2B distributors seeking highly customized catalogs.
  • Dependence on Third-Party Solutions: Achieving the desired level of customization for detailed customer-specific catalogs often necessitates the integration of additional third-party solutions with Shopify Plus. 
DCKAP Commerce

DCKAP Commerce gains a significant advantage for distributors with its ability to create and manage customer-specific catalogs. This feature ensures a personalized selling approach, presenting customers with products tailored to their preferences and requirements. For distributors seeking to offer specialized selections and elevate the shopping journey, DCKAP Commerce emerges as the preferred solution.

  • Effortless Catalog Management: DCKAP Commerce streamlines the process of creating and managing customer-specific catalogs or customer group specific catalogs, simplifying catalog administration for distributors.
  • Product Grouping and Assignment: Distributors can group and assign products to specific customers or customer segments, delivering a highly personalized shopping experience.
  • Integrated Solution: With its native capability to manage customer-specific catalogs, DCKAP Commerce eliminates the need for external solutions, reducing setup complexity, costs, and integration issues.
  • Personalized Product Offerings: DCKAP Commerce empowers distributors to tailor their product offerings to meet the unique needs and preferences of different customer segments, enhancing the relevance and appeal of their product catalogs.

Sales Representatives

Shopify Plus

Shopify Plus offers basic sales functionality, enabling sales representatives to manage orders and customer interactions through the administrative portal. While this ensures effective order handling and customer management, it comes with limitations. The admin interface, primarily designed for backend operations, lacks optimization for swift order placement, potentially slowing down workflows.

Switching between administrative functions within the portal can impede efficiency, as sales reps may spend extra time navigating for customer details, accessing product information, and completing orders. This inefficiency may lead to delays in order processing, impacting customer satisfaction and sales team performance.

Relying solely on the admin portal for sales tasks may hinder sales reps’ agility and responsiveness. A streamlined interface allowing quick access to customer data, product catalogs, and order placement is crucial for enhancing sales efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Limited Functionaility

  • Dependent on Admin Access

  • Complex Operations

  • Workflow Challenges

DCKAP Commerce

DCKAP Commerce revolutionizes sales representative management with its intuitive approach. Sales reps have the ability to log in as customers, directly placing orders on their behalf without navigating the admin portal. This feature simplifies the order process, empowering sales representatives to swiftly fulfill customer needs, prioritizing customer service and sales over administrative tasks.

This user-friendly feature is a game-changer for distributors, significantly enhancing order efficiency and overall productivity. DCKAP Commerce becomes the preferred choice for distributors seeking to streamline sales processes and empower their sales teams effectively.

Furthermore, DCKAP Commerce’s user-friendly interface empowers sales representatives to handle orders with greater speed and precision. This not only enhances the overall customer experience and performance, but also solidifies the reputation of distributors as dependable and responsive partners. 

  • Improved Focus on Customer

  • Enhanced Efficiency

  • Customer Satisfaction

  • Eliminate Admin Access


Both DCKAP Commerce and Shopify Plus are well-equipped to meet the specific demands of B2B and wholesale operations. Shopify Plus boasts an array of features, including extensive payment options and seamless social media integration, which can enhance the overall functionality of an e-commerce platform. However, potential users should be aware that Shopify Plus may come with a steeper learning curve and higher associated costs.

On the other hand, DCKAP Commerce offers notable customization capabilities, simplified integration processes, and an intuitive user interface. With dedicated features for sales representatives and flexible ERP integration, DCKAP Commerce presents an appealing option for businesses seeking a customizable and scalable e-commerce solution that prioritizes ease of use and efficiency.

One Platform, Infinite Possibilities!