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How to Change the No of Products Per row on Page Builder in Magento 2

Shajitha Banu
September 3, 2021 |

As Magento enhances its features day to day, as a developer or a user, we are supposed to learn more about its new features. And because of that, we need to change our implementation technique for each version as per their standard.

Here is one such implementation issue that I have faced, and I would like to share it with someone who is looking for it.

In Magento 2, we were almost familiar with Page Builder, and most of us using that for CMS Page customization on our projects. Which makes most of our customization on theme-related works less. 

When we are using “Product” content on your page, which is under Add Content. Which is used to list the set of products on the Custom page or a specific section. 

Based on my need, I need to change the no of products per row. By default, it was 5.

In the Category page or search page of Magento 2, the no of products per row is controlled by CSS. Where us in Page Builder found it hard to change it. After some diagnosis, we found it can be achieved via theme.

Here we explained how we achieved it. Hope it helps you.

Create a view.xml under the mentioned below path.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<view xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Config/etc/view.xsd">
   <vars module="Magento_PageBuilder">
       <var name="breakpoints">
           <var name="desktop">
               <var name="conditions">
                   <var name="min-width">1024px</var>
               <var name="options">
                   <var name="products">
                       <var name="default">
                           <var name="slidesToShow">4</var>
           <var name="tablet">
               <var name="conditions">
                   <var name="max-width">1024px</var>
                   <var name="min-width">768px</var>
               <var name="options">
                   <var name="products">
                       <var name="default">
                           <var name="slidesToShow">3</var>
                       <var name="continuous">
                           <var name="slidesToShow">3</var>
           <var name="mobile">
               <var name="conditions">
                   <var name="max-width">767px</var>
                   <var name="min-width">640px</var>
               <var name="options">
                   <var name="products">
                       <var name="default">
                           <var name="slidesToShow">2</var>
           <var name="mobile-small">
               <var name="conditions">
                   <var name="max-width">640px</var>
               <var name="options">
                   <var name="products">
                       <var name="default">
                           <var name="slidesToShow">1</var>
                           <var name="slidesToScroll">1</var>
                       <var name="continuous">
                           <var name="slidesToShow">1</var>
                           <var name="slidesToScroll">1</var>

In the above example, we have shared the conditions for various devices like Desktop, Tablet, Mobile, and Smaller mobiles. 

We can also change the max-width based on our theme condition. Based on each condition we can set the no of products per row.

Happy Coding!

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Shajitha Banu

Shajitha is a Senior Software Engineer at DCKAP and has got 4+ years of experience in Magento. She is interested in solving logical puzzles and Loves to read Thrilling novels. Shajitha also enjoys writing poems in Tamil.

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