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Magento Extensions – A Good Buzz From a Happy Customer

Mohan Natarajan
August 10, 2016 |

We have built extensions that increase conversions in your Magento store. Shop Magento extensions from Klizer store.

One of the things we are proud of in the work we did in the last year or so, is the Magento Extensions Team we have built.  

Building extensions started as a small idea . We now have over 6 extensions in the Magento 2 market place and 13 in the M1 marketplace.

The extensions are well received in the marketplace. It is always nice when your work is recognized. A good buzz from one of our happy customers’ who used “Multiple Items Delete’ extension is making our ears ring and we just had to share.

Magento Extension

Thank you abhimagento2016 for your excellent review.

Multiple Items Delete Extension – A Brief

“Multiple Items Delete” Extension is used to select & delete multiple items in shopping cart. After the items are added to the cart, Magento, by default provides a couple of choices to the user for deleting the cart items

  • To delete one item at a time.
  • To delete all the items added to the cart.

If a user has multiple items added to the cart, Magento allows the user to delete only one item at a time.

‘Multiple Items Delete’ extension resolves this often frustrating user experience by allowing the user to select and delete multiple items from the cart in a single go.

You can try the extension for free here.

To know more about our extensions visit Klizer STORE.

Mohan Natarajan

A speaker at Imagine 2017, Mohan heads the Customer Success at DCKAP. Within a span of 7 years, Mohan has acquired all four Magento Certificates and offers impeccable knowledge in the Magento platform, and has evolved as a Solution Architect, developing a handful of Magento Extensions for numerous B2B customers. In addition to being an active member of Chennai Magento Community, he leads the Chennai Magento Meetup events. He is keen and proud to serve the eCommerce Community, thanks to his boundless expertise in the ecosystem. Furthermore, he was honored as one of the top contributors in the 2017 Magento Live India event and 2018 Meet Magento India event. Being a huge fan of the Magento Community, Mohan is glued to Twitter and LinkedIn. Loves to surf and play Table Tennis, when not working in Magento projects and managing DCKAP Store.

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