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Sell More With Mega Search – Magento 2 Extension

Mohan Natarajan
February 21, 2017 |

There are over 4,000 extensions available at the Magento marketplace. We have some of the best ones built for your business. Visit our Klizer store.

Effective site search functionality on an eCommerce website is an increasingly important component of a successful digital strategy. Search is at the heart of whether a user clicks or leaves. It is said that people who use site search are more likely to purchase compared to those who use standard navigation, as they are shopping with intent.

According to Econsultancy, visitors using search contributed 13.8% of the revenues. Most shoppers do not navigate directly to the category and check out the products. This is especially true when you run an eCommerce store with a large number of products. In such cases, Search is a key interaction point and can make or break a sale.

Effective Product Search

The Mega Search concept is simple and intuitive. The aim is to recommend relevant products, products & pages even while the users are typing the search keyword. User-friendly site search increases sales and conversion.  A great site search experience empowers shoppers to find the products they need in a more efficient and effective manner.

Displaying Relevant Category and CMS Pages

Helping customers find products quickly can translate into higher sales. Showing relevant categories and CMS pages enable shoppers to check all the products in one place instead of going through specific products. Again this depends on the users need and interest. Some users may navigate to only relevant products, others to the category page relevant to the specific product.

There is a rationale behind showing CMS pages in the search results. Let’s say you are running some promotions and you created a CMS page about the promotions. In that case, if we show those CMS Pages in the search, it creates awareness about the promotion increasing the probability of conversion.

Based on our client experiences, the Klizer Store extension team developed the Magento 2 Mega Search extension for better site search experience, improved customer retention and,  loyalty. Mega Search module also provides auto search suggestions. This helps to speed up the search process and also to avoid mis-spellings.


  • Effective product & non-product searches
  • Auto suggests relevant products, categories & CMS pages
  • Supports key navigations to select/navigate through results
  • Enlarged suggestions box
  • Search keyword will be highlighted in search suggestions
  • Most of the options are manageable from the backend
  • Product Information like name, image, short description, and rating will be listed in the suggestions
  • Shows tabs in search results page with products, categories and CMS pages with respective counts

Mega Search provides the best possible site search so customers can find things more quickly. This can translate into higher sales, as shoppers who find what they are looking for easily are more likely to make a purchase.

If you find a really interesting problem in Magento that needs an extension solution, please write your comments or email me at

Mohan Natarajan

A speaker at Imagine 2017, Mohan heads the Customer Success at DCKAP. Within a span of 7 years, Mohan has acquired all four Magento Certificates and offers impeccable knowledge in the Magento platform, and has evolved as a Solution Architect, developing a handful of Magento Extensions for numerous B2B customers. In addition to being an active member of Chennai Magento Community, he leads the Chennai Magento Meetup events. He is keen and proud to serve the eCommerce Community, thanks to his boundless expertise in the ecosystem. Furthermore, he was honored as one of the top contributors in the 2017 Magento Live India event and 2018 Meet Magento India event. Being a huge fan of the Magento Community, Mohan is glued to Twitter and LinkedIn. Loves to surf and play Table Tennis, when not working in Magento projects and managing DCKAP Store.

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