The Selenium conference, SeConf India 2016 is a volunteer-run, non-profit event presented by members of the Selenium Community. The goal of the conference is to bring together Selenium developers & enthusiasts from around the world to share ideas, socialize, and work together on enhancing the present and future success of projects.
The conference held in Bangalore, India started off with two-day presentations by Selenium and automation testing experts and practitioners from around the world which includes general session keynotes and parallel tracks on 26th & 27th June 2016. We had a great opportunity to meet, network and learn from Selenium experts.
Session Highlights – Day 1
Keynote – Selenium:State of the Union by Simon Stewart
Simon Stewart, the creator of WebDriver, core Selenium 2 developer presented the upcoming versions of Selenium.
Selenium 3 BETA:
Simon explained about the features included in Selenium 3 BETA version wherein the WebDriver concepts remains the same and the Selenium Core will be emulated with the Test Runner. He also made us repeat, “Selenium Core is No More”.
Selenium 4:
Selenium 4 would be the W3C version of WebDriver.
Here’s a better picture of the lovely folks at the Fix a Bug Become a Committer #SeConf16 workshop 🙂
— Simon Stewart (@shs96c) June 26, 2016
Practical Tips & Tricks for Selenium by Dave Haeffner
Dave gave the demonstration of power of selenium with various types of testing like Headless Browser testing, A/B testing, Visual testing etc.
. #SeConf16 How To Use #Selenium Successfully workshop. Who broke it? @shs96c
— Dave Haeffner (@TourDeDave) June 26, 2016
Reliable and Trustworthy Automated GUI Tests by Julian Harty
Julian explained the importance of Automated GUI Tests.
The topics covered:
- How automated GUI tests work?
- Deciding where the tests need to be flexible and when do we want them to fail?
- When should a test be automated?
- What are the tools for testing UI in a Web application?
Automated Analytics Testing with Open Source Tools by Marcus Merrell
Marcus explained about the importance of Web Analytics and how analytics works, how to involve the QA team early, and how to integrate analytics testing into the normal QA process, using Selenium and other open source tools.
It is All About Prioritization, At The End Of The Day by Rajini Padmanaban
Rajini stressed the principle of “First things First”. The process that needs to be carried out is to evaluate a group of items and ranking them in order of Importance and Urgency , wherein , Importance denotes Impact and Urgency denotes Time.
Statistical Element Locator by Oren Rubin
Oren explained about the biggest challenges that Test Automation developers face – finding the same element with high fidelity while the Application Under Test keeps changing dynamically.
#SeConf2016 – statistical element locator Livescibe for Oren’s presentation
— Srinivas Mangipudi (@shriniman) June 24, 2016
Automating the Responsive Web Design Testing by Pranathi Birudugadda
The topics covered:
- What is Responsive Web Design?
- How to test multiple devices/platforms?
- What are the Challenges faced while testing Responsive Web Design?
- How can Galen Framework be used for testing Responsive Web Design?
Can We Have It All!(Selenium for web, mobile and everything what a product needs) by Pooja Shah
Pooja gave a demonstration on building a scalable test framework and also it’s evolution to solve most of our daily challenges using Release Status Analyser, a one-click solution based on jenkins/xfpanel.
The final session was on “Q&A with the Selenium Committee” .
Day 1 ended with “Thaalavattam Project- A music jam with 100 instruments”
Thaalavattam Project – A music jam with 100 instruments at #SeConf16
— Naresh Jain (@nashjain) June 24, 2016
Session Highlights – Day 2
Keynote – Checking as a service by Bret Pettichord
Bret suggested a re-frame in how we understand the business value of automated testing. One shift is to see automation as “checking” rather than “testing”. Another is the shift from software delivery to service delivery, including fully embracing DevOps. The resulting approach could be called Checking as a Service or CheckOps, and forces us to rethink traditional automation priorities.
What does the money want? #SeConf16
— Bret Pettichord (@bpettichord) June 28, 2016
The trouble with page objects – You always knew were wrong but couldn’t explain why by Antony Marcano
Outline of the session:
- History of page objects
- What is SOLID and why does it matter?
- Common ways that PageObjects violate SOLID principles.
- Refactoring Page Objects towards SOLID principles.
From pyramid to hourglass-New approach and best practices for digital apps testing by Roy Nuriel
Learnings from the session:
- Test automation pyramid
- Digital test automation hourglass
- How to achieve continuous quality
- Hourglass – Why they are needed?
One page to test them all! by Priti Biyani
This session was purely based on how to use a single framework to test a particular application developed on all platforms.
Web Push Notification Automation Mystery Solved! by Ankita Gupta and Jatin Makhija
Outline of the demo session:
- Basic information on the Web Push notification
- How Web Push notification is implemented by Service workers.
When your Live Demo works! #SeConf16 #pushknot #wingify #pushcrew #proStuff #Like A Boss @NotJustBond
— Ankita Gupta (@_ankitag_) June 25, 2016
Automated accessibility testing by Anshul Mathur
This session comprised of:
- Statistics about accessibility testing accomplishments.
- Problems regarding manual testing for unveiling accessibility issues.
- Demonstration of their solution and its benefits.
Day 2 ended with “Selenium 3 bug bash showcase” followed by a closing talk.
Full of ideas and learnings , we are already looking forward to the next Selenium Conference.