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Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco Platforms for Growth

March 10, 2010 |

Web 2.0 is a technology fair that is taking place in San Francisco, California from May 3rd till May 6th 2010.

Only 10 years ago major companies like AOL, Yahoo, Google, Amazon, EarthLink, and eBay struggled to reinvent the web i.e. make their way or idea of using the internet the only way. Those who won attracted millions of customers but far more important they created ecosystems that made available huge opportunities for partners, vendors and competitors. Today other new players like Face book, Twitter, and Bing have come on the scene and it’s war with them as well, wars that make it hard for businesses to decide what to do when it comes to their own roles in an ever – increasing mobile, social, and real-time world. Web 2.0 Expo focuses on the main debates, handicaps the key players and assists you to grow in a web fueled world by picking the winning platform for you.

Topics Covered at Web 2.0 Expo

Web 2.0 Expo will have 75+ sessions, workshops, and intensives for designers, developers, entrepreneurs, marketers, business strategists, and investors, covering 10 topic areas,

• Business model strategies
• Design & UX best practices
• Social media success
• Cutting edge development
• The mobile tsunami
• Performance challenges
• Practical analytics
• Real-time opportunities
• Enterprise tools
• Creating Community

Submit Your Company for Launch Pad

Have you come up with a transformational new company or product? If so we cordially invite you to apply for a spot on the Web 2.0 Expo Launch Pad where your work and your idea will be evaluated by a panel of judges live on stage. If you want exposure then this is the best way to go about it especially as there are VC’s in the audience.

The deadline falls on March 31. Apply soon so you can join us in Web 2.0 Expo and together let’s turn the World Wide Web around.


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