
Glossary of Terms - DCKAP Integrator

October 31, 2023

Actions (Formerly Handlers)

Actions are used to build a flow in a tree structure, left to right. Every action has its functional logic and requires a certain set of inputs to be defined to carry out its activities. Multiple Actions are available to the user to build their flow.

Activity Logs

The Activity Logs are used to track when users create, update, or delete any entity within the project, along with their creation date and time.

Activity Logs are turned off by default, but you can enable them.

API (Application Programming Interface)

In simple terms, an API or Application Programming Interface, is a set of protocols and rules that allows different software systems to communicate and share information with each other.

API Keys/Tokens

API Keys are used to authenticate and authorize the Dynamic Pipe requests. They confirm the identity of the user and what actions they are permitted to perform.

Auto Pilot Mode

Schedules are configured in Schedule Manager. Once configured, Auto Mode can be enabled to run the pipes/workflows at scheduled intervals.

Batch Pipe

The Batch pipe is used to schedule a flow to run in scheduled intervals.


To authenticate and authorize the systems from Integrator to make the API Calls. It requires API Credentials.

Console logs

The console logs all the lines of API transactions as a file to review in detail if any failure occurred. The files can also be downloaded for internal review.

It is disabled by default and you can enable it, if needed,

Dynamic Pipe

The Dynamic pipe is used to run a Flow when called from other systems.

Email Failure Alerts

These emails are sent if an error occurs during the data-synchronization.


The Exchange contains ready-to-use templates that can be used to integrate data between one or more systems without re-building integrations from scratch..

These pre-built templates can be used and reused across multiple Projects or re-configured based on the users’ needs. They act as a base arrangement, containing default field mapping, basic flow structures, and standard pipe settings.


Flows are a set of statements like pseudocode, written using simplified language, for implementing integrations.

Flows act as a neural schema for system integration, carrying out the whole integration process end to end. The flow is responsible for handling business logic, making API calls to the targeted system, formatting and validating data, logging transactions and so on.

Flows are created by developing a logical program sequence using lines of code-representation known as Handlers. Handlers form the backbone of every Flow.

Global Variables

Global variables can be declared in project settings and account settings. They allow you to define variables that can be accessed and used across your project or account.

Handlers (Please refer Actions)

Handlers are built in components which are used while creating integration flows.

Every handler has its functional logic and requires a certain set of parameters to be defined to carry out its activities.

Multiple Handlers are available to the user to build their flow.


Invitations are emails that will be sent to the user once they are added to a group or project.

The Invitations page is where users can manage “Project” and “User Group” invitations.


The logs show whether the transaction data got succeeded or failed. It also provides a vast search feature to verify whether particular data got synced or not.


To map the data entity between two systems. Defines where the source API field values should be created in destination fields.


To modify the data while transferring from one system to another. It should be configured in mapping rows.


A pipe is a single integration unit and an automated workflow. It synchronizes information like customer details, orders, products and such information from one system to another.


Projects are integration clusters each client has within their business. The purpose of a Project is to group your integration needs. You can share and allow others to collaborate on your projects. It consists of pipes, flows, system credentials, and managed access.

Public System (Previously Global System)

These are in-built systems that DCKAP Integrator directly connects to, or connects using APIs are known as Public Systems. For example, P21 ERP is a system and so is Magento eCommerce platform.

Private System (Previously Custom System)

These systems are created by the User. The Project Owner or Administrator can create a Private System and use the same. As the name suggests, these systems are private and only accessible to the project members.

Schedule Manager

The Schedule Manager provides flexibility for customers to schedule and run the pipes/workflows at scheduled intervals based on the business needs.

Refer Auto Pilot Mode.

Special Variables

Special variables are built-in keywords available and unique to the respective workflow. These are constant and the values cannot be modified in the flows. Example: Current Date Time


The individual platforms that DCKAP Integrator directly connects to, or connects using APIs are known as systems. For example, ERP or eCommerce is a system. These systems need to be configured in DCKAP Integrator in order to be able to communicate with them (read, write, and update data).


Available in Exchange. A template is a pre-built format used in projects to facilitate the integration of data between one or more systems without requiring manual configurations. These templates can be reused across different projects or adjusted according to user needs, serving as a foundational structure for data integration tasks​.

Two Factor Authentication

The Two-Factor Authentication feature offers an additional level of security to access DCKAP Integrator. Two-Factor Authentication adds an additional layer of security to your account by requiring more than just a password to sign in.

User Groups

User Group is a set of users who have similar access levels to any project.


Workflows are responsible for handling the core business logic like making API calls to the targeted system, formatting and validating data, logging transactions and so on.

Workflows represent an enhanced version of flows. By combining flows and integration screens, workflows offer users a unified platform for building, testing, executing, and monitoring integrations – all within a single interface.

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