December 9, 2019 What do we look for when we hire candidates? “Great vision without great people is irrelevant- Jim Collins” DCKAP is more than… Dipthi Rajagopal Love0
May 17, 2019 Defining the DCKAP Work Culture Culture is the paradigm for any organization, and it is etched in our… Srija Santhanam Love0
September 24, 2012 DCKAP Interviews for Senior Developers @ Chennai The Interview drive held by DCKAP in Chennai on the 29th and 30th… DCKAP Team Love0
September 10, 2012 Opportunities and Talent Galore at DCKAP’s Successful Walk-In! DCKAP Technologies conducted a Walk-in for Senior Software Developers in Coimbatore on the… DCKAP Team Love0
January 9, 2012 A Warm Thank you from DCKAP! We feel privileged with the overwhelming response we have received for the Freshers… DCKAP Team Love0
December 21, 2011 DCKAP Walk-In for Fresh Graduates @ Chennai Walk-Ins for Freshers at Chennai, Sat. Jan. 07, Sun. Jan. 08, 2012, 10:00am… DCKAP Team Love0
August 3, 2011 DCKAP Hires New PHP Talent in July 2011 Adds fresh talent and continues to move on the growth path Aug. 03,… DCKAP Team Love0